Tears of a Clown

Justin Trudeau ‘is on brink of resigning’ as his liberal government crumbles [More]

He’s humiliating himself, Chickenhawk Bolton. As are you, if you weren’t too invested in sending others to war to realize it.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Canadian per Capita Euthanasia Deaths Now Beat U.S. Gun Deaths [More]

Don’t let the propaganda saying otherwise sway you. Over-regulation is a public health problem, especially with the stresses making earning a living or keeping a business open harder. I suspect if you did a study, you’d find the same results for shortened lifespans as Dr. Lott found about homicides, and that makes it look like it applies to the entire population.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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