THAT’ll Teach ’em

Four teenagers arrested after crashing an allegedly stolen Kia during a police pursuit in Edina have been released from custody as prosecutors weigh charges against two of them… Eden Prairie police spokeswoman Joyce Lorenz said two of those arrested were 16 years old, one was 17 and one was 15. All have been released, Lorenz said. [More]

No, of course we can’t tell you who they are.

Who thinks this is the last we’ll hear of them?

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “THAT’ll Teach ’em”

  1. As the number of dead politicians and news reporters can attest. Mexico has real good gun laws.
    We should follow Mexico’s example? Set up cartels and ignore laws we don’t like?
    Or maybe were the only one’s not being nice enough? You know, like Mexico.

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