The Felon in Chief?

Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Trump to “unconditional discharge,” meaning no jail, no probation and no fine. But the sentence will still formally make Trump the first criminal convict ever to occupy the Oval Office. [More]

We’ll see what happens with an appeal.

In the meantime, is a “prohibited person” in charge of ATF?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “The Felon in Chief?”

  1. If I were Trump there would be a task force to investigate all democratic judges, and “when” not if, misconduct is found then the harshest penalties should be implemented without reservation!
    Oh yeah, add prosecutors to that as well.

  2. I won’t be lectured by partisans from a party that enthusiastically RE-elects its own felons like Buddy Cianci, Joe Ganim, Alcee Hastings, and Marion Barry.

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