The Forbidden Zone

The current “free speech zone” for the convention is in Pere Lafayette Park, a mere quarter of a mile from the convention venue. By comparison, the Democrats in Chicago have set up a free speech zone about three miles from the United Center where the convention will be held. [More]

So, who picked a Bloomberg city?

And once off the property of the venue, where are such “zones” authorized and why is “the party of small government” demanding them?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Forbidden Zone”

  1. I was under the impression that the whole country was a “free speech zone.”

    But I guess if the Left is correct, and you can create “gun free zones”, why would “free speech zones” be out of line?

    After all, Creepy Sleepy Joe points out that none of the amendments are absolute.

    I guess that means that he could be elected to a third term.

    And that we can own slaves.

    Pretty sure he would agree with the first but not the second. So which is it, Joe? Some are absolute and some are flexible? If so, who gets to make the call? There’s a little panel that always appeared on Mike Vanderboegh’s “Sipsey Street Irregulars” blog. It had a picture of an M14 or maybe an M1A with the caption “When Liberty becomes Tyranny, I still get to vote. There’s the answer. People with guns get to decide which amendments are flexible and which are absolute. Josiah Quincy II said that in 1774. Jefferson said that in 1776. The conventions that ratified the “Bill of Rights” said that in 1791. We know it. Joe knows it. And that, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, and all you creatures in between, is why he wants to take them. And why we must insure that he fails.

    “And that’s all I have to say about that.” — Forrest Gump

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