The Hyperbole War

House Democrats are “Bringing Out the Big Guns” to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote in 2024 Presidential Election [More]

They don’t need them:

Prognosis 0% chance of being enacted

Everybody’s making pre-election “Look at me!” noises.

The existential threat is this is even an issue.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “The Hyperbole War”

  1. Let them bring out the “big guns” so the Reps and Senators can self-identify as domestic enemies who want to water down and disincentivize citizen engagement — and citizenship itself! — in “Our Democracy”.

    Letting foreigners living here vote in our elections is a VERY short step from letting foreigners living abroad vote in our elections. Do any other countries do either of those things? Anyone in Leftist-vaunted Europe, perhaps? No?

    Why should we?

  2. I’m well aware that “bringing out the big guns” is just an expression. But aren’t these the same folks who want to ban anything .50 cal or above, including antique muzzle loaders like were “in common use” in the 18th and 19th centuries?

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