The Jaws of Victory

How Trump Can Lose the Debate—By Appealing To Minorities, Instead Of His Base [More]

“Debate,” hell. Lose the election.

Once again he listens to the wrong people.

[Via Allan Wall]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “The Jaws of Victory”

  1. I guess we lucked out that the real Biden showed up. Still seems awfully strange how it all played out. Why didn’t Biden’s drug cocktail work last night?

    1. I’ve seen people in a box in a funeral parlor that looked more alive.

      In the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debate, Kennedy showed up looking good, Nixon showed up looking like he’d just come from a rough day at the office.

      People who listened to the debate on the radio said that Nixon won.

      People who watched on TV said that Kennedy won. Same audio. All the difference in the world in the image.

      Biden looked rougher than Keith Richards. But then Keith Richards has always looked like he was dead.

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