The King’s Deer

Deer poacher imprisoned, receives largest fine in Ohio history [More]

Mixed feelings here — the things come by almost every night (which I enjoy if I’m on the back porch with a lit Maduro and two fingers of the good stuff), but two of them have caused significant car damage to elder feral son Uday’s and the wife’s cars– by the deer hitting them. And if the guy was hungry… but it looks like he was after trophies.

Still, what a tough way to earn a buck. No pun intended.

I guess I need to know if he’s a Democrat-voting Fudd.

And speaking of which, and of theft, I don’t hunt. What’s the point of hitting me up with Pittman-Robertson except to extort, to infringe, and to perpetuate the lie that 2A is about hunting…?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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