The Pavlik Morozov Award

Exactly why is Jackson’s father in prison? Well, he’s currently rotting away behind bars because Jackson called the FBI and reported his father for participating in the January 6 “insurrection,” while giving federal authorities all the evidence they would need to convict him. If I could ask Jackson one question (he’s currently much too busy studying political science when he isn’t making appearances on MSNBC or CNN or doing interviews with the Washington Post to respond to someone like me), it would be this: have you seen any of the coverage of what happened after Donald Trump was elected in 2016 and if so, how can you sleep at night after betraying your own father? [More]

We have a winner!

“Fatherland”… how appropriate.

I wonder what karma has in store for this sanctimonious young fool.

[Via JG]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Pavlik Morozov Award”

  1. “I wonder what karma has in store for this sanctimonious young fool.”

    A co-worker’s overly entitled offspring was told that since his grades appeared to be negatively impacted by the time he spent on his gaming console, said device would be impounded until things improved.

    The child promptly reported the father to Florida’s DCF.

    The dispatched case worker was wrapping up the site visit when the father asked, “So this is all over, right?” The father was told that while the report of child abuse was determined to be unjustified, the incident would still be part of the agency’s permanent record. After the case worker left the father turned to his son and said “Your life, as you knew it, is over!”

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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