Somebody’s bot wants into “comments” here bad:

И тебе доброе утро, солнышко.
What I can’t tell is if this is just a routine criminal exploitation of opportunity attempt or if this is directed because I don’t buy Putin’s line of sh!+ any more than I buy the globalists’.
Until now, Russia has not been among the top 10 IPs or countries blocked (The U.S. leads by far: We’re Number One!). Attack attempts so far have been mostly via malicious file uploads and known malicious user agents.
And not to be outdone, I just got a series of five warnings about this:
A user with IP address has been locked out from signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: Exceeded the maximum number of login failures which is: 20. The last username they tried to sign in with was: ‘admin’.
The duration of the lockout is 4 hours.
User IP:
User hostname:
User location: Istanbul, Turkey
You gotta wonder what kind of total @$$hole parasites dwell in such dark worlds, with a life purpose goal of helping themselves by hurting others.
И тебе доброе утро, солнышко.
Ee tebyeh duhbroyeh ootruh, solnishka.
“And to you good morning, sunshine.”
If you only know how to say one thing in Russian, this would be a good one.
This kind.
“ I don’t buy Putin’s line of sh!+ any more than I buy the globalists’.”
This war and the propaganda around can make scrambled eggs of the brain.
I suspect that any outcome will create opportunities for serious folks to step in and wrestle power away from the globalist nutjob elite class. Who will put boots on the ground is the big question.