The Wrecking Crew

Just About Everyone Outside Washington D.C. Supports Trump’s Plan To ‘Wreck’ The Bureaucracy [More]

It’s the type of exciting prospect that could make us giddy with expectations. But like with guns, there will be things he can do, things he can’t do, and plenty of room for missteps and circumstantial changes between the two.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “The Wrecking Crew”

  1. Trump had a lot of plans his first term….almost all of which were either blunted or stopped outright by the swamp bureaucracy. Expect the same this term.

  2. When Obama promised to rebuild America from the foundations up, the Left rejoiced. Imagine if you signed a contract to have your house rebuilt from the foundations up, then came home after the first day of work only to find an empty lot where your house used to be. Obviously, one must involve a “wrecking crew” at some stage of what Obama proposed.

    Compare the Left’s responses to Obama’s plan as opposed to Trump’s. I don’t recall anyone on the Left referring Obama’s team to as wrecking crew.

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