The Wrong Question

Is our justice system still capable of deterring killers? [More]

It never was.

What deters us from killing has always come from within. What deters killers is the same thing that deters all predators.

Is our justice system still capable of dealing with killers?

Increasingly the system results in anything but justice, and no, it’s up to the individual to have the means, the judgment, the training, the will, and the presence of mind afterward to not do or say anything to trigger the ever-dangerous state to turn on him.

[Via Mack H]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Wrong Question”

  1. the American family is no longer Christ oriented. Morals come from being taught right from wrong constantly as children grow up. Not just in the first grade or the early Sunday school, but constantly reinforced.
    there is too much outside influence that instills the wrong thinking in our young.

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