The Wrong Question

“When I heard it was over 80 shell casings, I’m not numb to it, but it does not surprise me… that’s when I say we have to look at where the weapons are coming from?” Vice President of Public Safety of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis James Clark said. [More]

If that’s his focus, expect things to get nothing but worse.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “The Wrong Question”

  1. There are no dangerous weapons.

    There are dangerous people.

    Until they get straight on which they need to control, they’ll continue to be mystified by their lack of positive results.

  2. “When I heard it was over 80 shell casings, I’m not numb to it, but it does not surprise me… that’s when I say we have to look at where the weapons are coming from?”

    That sentence is a statement of fact, not a question, and should not end with a question mark.

    You see that more and more these days. It does not speak well of the institutions that are supposedly preparing our future leaders.

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