One thought on “There’s an App For That”

  1. those “sail fawns” are quite the little innocuous trap, are they not?

    Great tools for the user… and for the abusers like Allstate.

    I have NO apps of any kind on mune xcept for weather, but I have to tell it where I am by listing a new station to see what the weather is there. I have turned off geolocating. The thing knows which tower it is acesssing, but that only puts me in a circle maybe four iles diameter. And it doesn’t know whether I am fixed or moving, or how fast or in which direction.

    I have no banking inro in there, ny data such as my vehicle info I have listed in my own crypto code that would mean nothing to anyone else. Nor do I give ou my movil number to any government or banking entity.
    I guess the clowns that play busy-body-for-hire hate me. Fine, that makes it mutual.

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