There’s an App for That

“Voting requires taking time off work or finding childcare, identifying your polling place, finding time to go there, waiting in line, dealing with confused/hostile people working at the polling place, and then driving or walking back to wherever you started. Not surprisingly, few people bother. The solution is simple: If we want more people to vote, we have to make it easier to do so. If voting requires just opening an app, a lot more people will do it.” [More]

Aw, gee, duty requires effort and rights require responsibility.

Democrats really are the party of the lazy and the entitled.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

6 thoughts on “There’s an App for That”

  1. If I could vote SECURELY from an app I’d say go for it.


    But as McCabe said “If a frog had wings he wouldn’t bump his ass as much.”

    We live in a world where every single American has probably had their identity compromised whether they’re aware of it or not. I spent 42 years in the IT business. My wife spent 34. Take it from us, the next 100% secure app created will be the first in human history.

    The Democrats don’t care. They want every vote counted. That includes fraudulent votes, double votes, votes cast out of district, votes by non citizens, and votes by people not even in the United States.

    If they cared one teeny tiny bit about election security, don’t you think they’d agree to “Real ID” being required at the voting precinct?

  2. Gee, I had no problem voting after work on election day, or even waiting in line, or voting in the morning on the way to work.

  3. I’ve never had any hassle voting in person, or surly voting workers- but I don’t live in a blue state.

    I don’t remember seeing any signs saying “no kids allowed” when I was voting. As a matter of fact, my parents took us to the polling station.

  4. Just leave it up to your kindly superiors, the Democratic Party, they’ll vote for you for the rest of your life, and longer.

  5. Take your words above, and substitute “Starbux Coffee” for “voting”.

    Reread it, if you can, without falling on the floor laughing at how ridiculous the concept is.

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