They Say That Like It’s a BAD Thing…

The Supreme Court just lit a match and tossed it into dozens of federal agencies – SEC v. Jarkesy could render much of the federal government unable to function. [More]

Trial by jury…? Who ever heard of such a subversive idea…?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “They Say That Like It’s a BAD Thing…”

  1. The swamp bureaucracy won’t tolerate interference from the courts. They will create a way around any such restrictions. Court rulings don’t apply to them. Only to us peons.

  2. NO government agency are neutral. they LL hve a bias toward the position that they are correct.
    I have read of a number of rotten cases where the little guy gets hammered. The agency are always eager to uphold their version. That s WHY a jury trial is necessary in any cases. The ones bringing the suit have a vested interest in preserving their power and authority never mind justice.

    A compromise might have been to provide that the losing party in an ALJ trial have the right to appeal to a district court and jury. Just because these cases most often only involve money does not mean they cannot seriously harm the losing party.

    This is a great decision.

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