Thoroughly Modern Milley

Trump’s top general calls ex-president ‘fascist to the core’ and ‘most dangerous person to this country,’ new book says [More]

It’s telling that “top men” have adopted the language of Antifa.

Don’t expect him to acknowledge:

Mussolini was a Socialist Party member, and invented Fascism after the Socialist Party kicked him out. As he was walking out the door, Mussolini said “Do not imagine that by tearing up my membership card in the Socialist Party you can forbid my socialist faith or prevent me from continuing to work for the cause of socialism and the revolution”

The first Fascist Party platform published in 1919 included things like a law mandating an 8-hour workday, a heavy inheritance tax, a heavy tax on capital, management of industries by workers unions, and universal suffrage (women right to vote).

Mussolini himself said:

“We are fighting to impose a higher social justice. What does social justice mean? It means guaranteed work, decent homes, and the possibility of evolution and improvement.”

“If classical liberalism spells Individualism, Fascism spells Government”

Two books explaining Fascism, and endorsed by Mussolini, specifically explained:

“The function of private enterprise is assessed from the standpoint of the public interest, and hence an owner or director of a business undertaking is responsible before the State….(Fausto Pitigliani, The Corporative State)

“More Important than the production of wealth is its right distribution, distribution which must benefit in the best possible way all the classes of the nation, hence the nation itself”.

So it seems an appropriate rebuttal would come from a surprising source.

Y’know, one of our greatest “war heroes” was a guy named Arnold…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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