3 thoughts on “Treasonous? Stupid? Both?”

  1. Except defending the border from foreign invasion is actually constitutional and what the same people who gave us the 1st and 2nd amendments would advocate. Those same people were against foreign entanglement abroad, not to mention demanding congress declare war for any military action abroad.

  2. “No military training value”.

    What on Earth makes him think this would be a training exercise, and why does that ring thin like a flimsy straw-man excuse?

    Enforcing our nation’s sovereign border against foreign invaders is absolutely an appropriate — and Constitutional — use of military force. That is what he swore an oath to do, right? “… [A]ll enemies, foreign and domestic”, and all that?

  3. If the National Guard was actually protecting our border their deployment might have value. All they are doing is babysitting hordes if invaders and that has no value, military or otherwise.

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