Trump to GOA

The promise to “listen to GOA” is what we’ll need to remind him of. And he needs to understand there are difference between them and NRA, and why.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Trump to GOA”

    1. So he once uttered the same belief that virtually every single federally and most state Democrats have before backtracking after seeing the backlash. I agree that this is terrible, but he also appointed three SC justices who are supposed to be pro gun, when Dem appointees are always guaranteed to be 100% anti-gun.

      We know Kamala wants to implement a permanent “take the guns first” law, not to mention gun confiscation orders for 25 million plus privately owned rifles in a so called “buy back” scheme. Her Marxist father probably gave Kamala the idea that all property belongs to the state, so it is being “bought back.” Stolen Valor Walz also supports the above, and wants to end states cooperating with honoring CCW permits. So good luck visiting to another state and being able to conceal carry as millions do on a daily basis.

      One candidate spoke directly to the GOA because he knows he can’t win without their member support. The other would just as soon throw them all in prison given the left wing track record. Like Codrea suggested, we know Trump is a bit of a BSer, but he knows which groups he needs to support him. That’s why he backed down from previous gun control supporting comments, and why he is directly appealing to the most hard-core 2nd amendment supporting group at the federal level I have ever seen.

      This is not the squishy NRA we are talking about. This is the group who are correctly blamed by the Dems for stopping gun control after the CT and FL school shootings when the NRA was willing to compromise our rights away.

      I will take the guy who might be 70% as good as a Ron Paul or Thomas maasie on gun rights any day over a group who openly brag about being 0%. Besides, if you pay attention to the professional pollsters like Richard Baris, trump is literally the only republican we have who could win this race. What other candidate do you propose to beat the gun banners?

      This analysis of mine is only directly relating to the gun rights aspect. I am not even bringing up Kamala wanting to legalize another 20 million plus illegal aliens who will make sure and vote for the party who does not believe individuals have a right to own firearms, let alone the freedom to post these thoughts on this website.

      Let’s take the guy who we will at least have some sway over and who is talking directly to us instead of the people who openly despise us.

      What say you?

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