Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

Consider, for example, a piquant and revealing news item from Sweden: crime rates go down in the summertime. Why? Because the “refugees” go on vacation. [More]

Sometimes, correlation and causation are the same thing.

And how is it “refugees” afford vacations…?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Vacation, All I Ever Wanted”

  1. And how is it “refugees” afford vacations…?

    More importantly, where do they go?

    Let me guess: Back to the place they came from, which they said was so bad they had to become “refugees” and flee to seek asylum elsewhere?

  2. They need asylum because they are so poor they can only afford to stay in 3 star hotels! Just as long as they aren’t white or Christian, we need to keep importing them into Europe, the former British commonwealth, and America. At least that is what groups like the splc, adl, aclu, and various billionaires say. When have they ever not had our best interests in mind?

  3. “Let me guess: Back to the place they came from … ”

    That’s pretty much how the ones in Miami do it.

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