Violent, Ugly People, These Democrats

“Lives needs to be ruined beyond repair.” “Lets actually destroy them. Grind them.” “If he had said that s* about black kids or autistic kids I would shoot him.” “We REALLY need to find this guy.” “You guys need to stop protesting and start fighting back against these people Time to just do something different to shut them down.” “F* just getting him [fired].” “Im soooo ready to show up with guns lol.” “His life needs to be PERMANENTLY disassembled.” [More]

I can close my eyes and see the red Demand T’s…

Why not ID these despicable Marxist cowards and give them a taste of what they’ve dished out?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Violent, Ugly People, These Democrats”

  1. We must remember, violence is golden. It is the final, ultimate arbiter of all human interactions. The left knows and embraces this fact. It is the ONLY language they respect and the only language they will listen to and respect. If we who oppose the left and it’s evil agenda eschew the use of violence then the left wins. We can no longer afford to “play by the rules”. Because the left has NO rules…..all that matters to them is winning.

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