Watching Her Six

Six Reasons Why Tulsi Gabbard Is Donald Trump’s Best Choice as a Running Mate [More]

And more reasons not to.

Trust must be earned.

A heartbeat from the presidency is no place to do that.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Watching Her Six”

  1. Trump has a habit or choosing poorly when it comes to political appointments. A few were good, most were closet leftist who sabotaged him every chance they got.

  2. Tulsi Gabbard needs to spend a few years “in the wilderness” to give her the opportunity to prove that her change of heart is genuine.

    Trump should pick Kristi Noem.

    Maybe a Noem/ Gabbard ticket in 2028. I think chapping a few Democrat drawers with the first female President being a Republican would be worth a chuckle or two.

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