We’re the Only Ones Cheesy Enough

“I would highly suggest that if a looter breaks into your home, comes into your home while you’re there to steal stuff, that you take your gun and you shoot him. You shoot him so that he looks like grated cheese,” Judd added. [More]

It sounds cute, and I’m seeing no shortage of this sentiment (NSFW), but I have to ask: What instructions has he given his deputies if that’s what they find when they show up?

I ask because with DGU trainers advising “Shoot to stop” and ambitious prosecutors ready to bring anything that looks like deliberate overkill in front of a grand jury to make an example, I’m thinking this is about as advisable as Joe Biden telling us to shoot off the balcony and through the door.

Only the “Only Ones” get to “empty the clip,” and that’s mostly so that one or two rounds might hit the intended target.

[Via Robert J]


Assuming they even do that:

Round that killed Polk deputy came from fellow deputies, sheriff says

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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