We’re the Only Ones Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy Enough FBI Officials Tipped-Off Criminal Aliens: Leaked Details of Pending Los Angeles ICE Deportation Operation to Media [More] If anyone gets killed, add an accessory charge. [Via WiscoDave] Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Author: admin David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. View all posts by admin
It’s a crying shame that the “War on Terror” is over. “Aid and comfort to the enemy” in time of war is a capital offense. “… pour encourager les autres (… to encourage the others.)” — Voltaire https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/9789813234833_0012#:~:text=Abstract:,a%20meeting%20chaired%20by%20Kim. Reply
It’s a crying shame that the “War on Terror” is over. “Aid and comfort to the enemy” in time of war is a capital offense.
“… pour encourager les autres (… to encourage the others.)” — Voltaire