Will Third Time Be a Charm for Hunter Biden FOIA Request?

With Hunter Biden’s court record and the pardon, the government cannot credibly evade a responsive production of documents with claims it has used in the past. [More]

My prediction: They’ll try to stall. Then we get to see what Bondi is really made of.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Will Third Time Be a Charm for Hunter Biden FOIA Request?”

  1. The key word there is “credibly.” We’ve seen ample evidence that the Biden administration couldn’t care less about their credibility. Your FOIA requests are only one event among many.

    I suspect that after the new team settles into their desks we’ll start to get some idea of how much different the next four years will be.

    Or not.

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