All Stirred Up and No Place to Go

The ATF jackboots have lost tens of thousands of guns, stolen millions of dollars, burned dozens of innocent women & children, shot the dogs, and exist as a tool to infringe on your rights. Put an end to their tyranny. Support the Abolish the ATF Act at [More]

All true, but we first need to abolish the edicts they enforce and impose, otherwise this is just kicking the can. And in any case, without the Senate and the White House, this stands no chance of passing, so the energy and resources being spent on this would be better applied to actual achievable goals.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “All Stirred Up and No Place to Go”

  1. Great fund raiser but should R friends of liberty take the majority and the large white house I expect zero, zip, nada effort to repeal law and terminate BATFE. …same as it ever was…
    As for the thieves and thugs at ATF, they just sashay off with promotions, raises and great pensions…just like Sarabyn, Chojnacki (?) and the rest of the Waco warriors.

    1. Correct. And if the BATFE is disbanded/abolished but the unconstitutional laws they enforce remain, it will be the FBI that takes up the mandate to enforce them.

      And whether we like to admit it or not, the FBI is MUCH less incompetent than the BATFE and will enforce those laws much more thoroughly and effectively.

      But just as with the BATFE, it’ll be against us, not against actual violent criminals.

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