Risk-Free Usurpation

…Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman Gary Gensler remains undeterred in expanding the agency’s power beyond its constitutional boundaries. [More]

And the government continues to get away with in-your-face illegitimate power grabs with all means of civil redress being cut off. What’s that phrase everybody on the left freaked out over when Sharron Angle mentioned it?

Oh, yeah, “Second Amendment solutions…”

Funny, how Budowsky so admired the guy who said this

And thanks again, NRA “Political Victory Fund”! Frickin’ duplicitous sacks…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Risk-Free Usurpation”

  1. The Federal Government remains undeterred in expanding its power beyond its constitutional boundaries.

    Might as well just go right to the bottom line.

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