Florida Democrats Remind Everyone How Totalitarian They’d Like to Be

Florida Republicans, Democrats file 2024 gun bills, set up clash over safety, rights [More]

It starts with a Trayvonphile who wants to repeal “Stand Your Ground” and goes downhill from there.

[Via Jim S]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Florida Democrats Remind Everyone How Totalitarian They’d Like to Be”

  1. A Trayvonphile who wants to repeal “Stand Your Ground”?

    Tell me they know nothing about Florida self-defense law without telling me they know nothing about Florida self-defense law.

    “Stand Your Ground” didn’t come up at Zimmerman’s trial. It was never even mentioned. It didn’t apply because Zimmerman couldn’t reasonably or safely retreat under the circumstances in which Trayvon had him — pinned on the ground, slamming his head into the concrete.

    If Florida hadn’t had a “Stand Your Ground” law, the lack of it would not have “saved” Trayvon, and Zimmerman would still have been acquitted.

    And it takes a special kind of ghoul to wish that the law would have “saved” Trayvon, knowing full well that would have meant Zimmerman’s death.

    1. Florida has no shortage of ghouls who would rather an innocent be hurt than see one of our career criminals shot.

      We also have no shortage of prosecutors who will drop any possible charges at the mere possibility of “stand your ground” or “castle doctrine” raised in a defense just so they can make the law look bad.

      We do have one shortage though. I wish each and every one of our 67 counties had a county sheriff like Grady Judd in Polk County.


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