We’re the Only Ones Framing Enough

Former Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy Zachary Wester will spend the next 12 years in prison, after being found guilty of planting drugs on multiple motorists. [More]

This is another one of those stories that makes me rethink my aversion to public crucifixions. And in this case, they do call him  “a mighty man of God”…

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Framing Enough”

  1. since he is such a “mighty man of God” he will willingly submit to the punshment for his crimes that sovereign God has meted out to him throuh HIS civil magistrates, put in place by Him to “bear the sword against those who do harm”.
    Let’s start with “thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbour”. His planting of false evidence, then laying false accusations against them based on his lying evidence, is “bearing false witness against his neighbour”.
    The biblically MANDATED penalty for such conduct is that he bear the penalty his false witness has laid upon his victims. That would mean the court SHOULD have tallied up all the time his victims have spent incarcerated, in court, working to defend the false charges, etc, AND the out of pocket costs of every bit of it, then laid THAT MUCH total time in prison as his sentence, then added up every dollar each of his victims lost because of his false witness against them. Lost work, extra babysitters, fuel to get to the hearings, lawyer and fee costs, lost ABILITY to work now they have criminal records, and so forth. The biblical punishment for anyone who has taken goods/money from anyone else is to repay FOUR TIMES the loss.

    I’ve a pretty solid conviction that were all that done he could sell everything he has and come up short by ten times, and would spend a few hundred years in prison to serve the total time his victims have or would have.

    I would also hope the court would order EVERYONE he has victimised to instantly be released, their records expunged, etc.

    Until such criminals are treated like this prescriptioin mandates, such crimes will continue. Maybe they should dump this clown into the same Crobar Hotel presently occupied bo Houston’s Officer Goines… I rather expect they’d have quite a bit in common to discuss.

    It is also possible (and I would not shed one tear if this is so) that some of his fellow inmates may well take VERY unkindly to this sort of “room mate”. A copper being dirty and putting dozens of others in prison “deserves” some “special” treatment. On the QT, or course. “Oh Warden, none of us saw anything, didn’t hear any noise at all we didn’t we didn’t we didn’t”

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