Speaking of ‘Swarms of Officers to Harass Our People’…

THIS Is Nuts (and Honestly Really Scary) –> TSA Agent Targets Conservative (Jan 6) Passenger [More]

What an appropriate job for that Ayuyu tub of goo. Could I get in trouble if I wondered if he sniffed his fingers afterward?

He ought to get together with Mad Maxie.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Speaking of ‘Swarms of Officers to Harass Our People’…”

  1. Is Maxie still on the job?
    Will Ayuyu get promoted?
    Will a majority of “freedom loving Americans” ever take action to eliminate TSA? I regularly get pulled over for ‘x-tra screening’ and often ask the TSA professionals how many old white guys they’ve caught with wiener bombs or ‘splosives in the sole of their shoes…never a reply. This incident appears to show that these thugs have remarkable access to personal info and histories and no compunctions as to having a little authoritarian fun with it.

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