What Total Government Gun Control Looks Like


Just wait. They’ll turn up at crime scenes. And fuel more infringement hysteria.

If I may repeat myself:

Many of you know I used to do policies and procedures for a defense contractor, and we had inventory controls and secure stores protocols in place to account for and prevent stuff going “missing.” Quite simply, it’s not that hard to achieve.

So this is either inexcusable incompetence and laziness, or outright criminality. Either way, if this happened at an FFL’s place of business, he would be shuttered and facing charges.

On the plus side, even when they have total registration they can’t handle it. Of course, we’ve known that for some time.

What a way to dishonor a memory. I do wonder what he’d have thought of the coerced name change…

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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