An Unqualified Question

Yesterday’s AmmoLand piece on illegal alien “Only Ones” got me wondering on ways to discourage the practice in spite of blue city/state machinations.

I first thought of Congress withholding federal funds from such cities, but I don’t see the political will to do that and plenty of ways it could backfire.

Instead, could Congress write a law saying such “officers” will not be protected by “qualified immunity”? Again, I don’t see much chance of it passing anytime soon, but how about just as a pre-election wakeup call for undecideds who weren’t aware that Democrats want to subject them to having to obey lawbreaking foreign nationals — or else?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “An Unqualified Question”

  1. As I understand it, “qualified immunity” is a judicial construct, not a legislative one. It’s a creation of the courts and judges “legislating from the bench”.

    IOW, the courts have already had their say: “qualified immunity” cannot be challenged by judicial means. It must be done via legislation.

    It’s not a bill likely to pass, but introducing it might (hopefully) put bad cops on notice that their behavior has won’t be tolerated for long. And get legislators on-record as to whether they tacitly approve of government agents abusing their constituents.

  2. could a non-resident non-citizen individual be lawfully employed by, say, TSA in the airports, by the IRS as tax agents, by a federally chartered bank, by a gun store as a sales clerk working under that store’s FFL, by a interstate common carrier truck driver carrying HazMat commodities, by a state Highway Patrol as an armed enforcement officer?

    I rather think NO to all of the above. They they also cannot serve as a local cop as this plan atempts to do.

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