A Law Unto Himself

Disregarding laws we oppose doesn’t work for just anybody, as I found out.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

6 thoughts on “A Law Unto Himself”

  1. As a veteran, I find this troubling but not impossible to believe as I look at that smug look
    on his disgusting face. Wanna bet he never wore the uniform.

  2. The swamp apparatchiks no longer even pretend to care about laws. They know that as long as the left OWNS the DOJ/FBI nothing g will happen to them for breaking laws, violating rights and implementing tyranny. We are well past the point t where vigilante justice needs to happen to these evil animals.

  3. Lots of examples of Federal government employees just refusing to obey the law or orders from above, especially the military in the Trump admin. They do it because nothing ever happens to them. Until it does, then this will continue.

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