Bump Stock Return Will Reverse Roles Between Citizens & ATF

I’m getting my bump stock, which they’ve had since April 2019, back from ATF. [More]

And now the games begin. I just copied my attorney on my email to ATF asking why they haven’t responded yet to my July 25 inquiry on when I can retrieve my property.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Bump Stock Return Will Reverse Roles Between Citizens & ATF”

  1. Now we find out how many of these items were illegally destroyed. Same with the forced reset triggers that BATFEces stole.

  2. Congratulations, David!
    I know of a “deserving” state level org, if you decide to do the donate thing.

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