4 thoughts on “Vanishing Act”

  1. Such fanciful statements are always made by people who lack the capacity for rational thought.

  2. Stone Age spears were dangerous enough when handheld creating distance between dangerous prey or enemies better than a handheld stone knife or chopper. Then someone discovered that the spear could be thrown, creating more distance. Eventually someone created the atlatl which projected the spear further and at higher velocity only surpassed by the introduction of the bow and arrow. Hunters in some regions of the world used blowguns to propel small, light darts (sometimes with points dipped in poison) towards prey.

    If there were no firearms, they would be soon enough invented.

  3. That’s OK, we’ll just make more. Guns are a 700+ year old technology that for most of their history were made with tools and materials inferior to what you can find at your local Lowes or Home Depot.

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