One thought on “So, Correlation Now = Causation?”

  1. On the numbers, Kentucky (for example) had a “gun death” rate “jump” of 1.38 per million people, which they call a 34.5% increase.

    Kentucky has about 4.5 million people, so the actual increase was about … five.

    It’s a manipulation. It’s the hypothetical small town which normally averages half a murder per year (one every 24 months), but then a disturbed man murders his wife and mother-in-law before killing himself. “300% increase in murders,” says the headlines, but the actual increase is two, from the same tragic event.

    And I notice they don’t delve into how many of those “additional” killings were justified, possibly prevented greater tragedies, and were enabled by permitless carry laws. That information could completely undermine the whole premise.

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