No Doubt About It

California’s One-Gun-a-Month Rule Doubted by Ninth Circuit Panel [More]

The panel can doubt all it wants.

It’s what the full court will do that matters.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “No Doubt About It”

  1. I have 3 words that the court should consider carefully before going forward.

    1. Bruen
    2. Bruen
    3. Bruen

    In short, during the founding era, and later during the post Civil War period, when the relationships between We the People, and our government were being forged and reforged, there were no laws restricting the quantity of arms that could be purchased by a citizen or group of citizens in a given time.

    Long story short, “one gun a month” or any similar law imposed by any government at any level within US jurisdiction is unconstitutional per Bruen.

    The only open question is when the Roberts court will perform an “attitude adjustment” on lower courts that insist on defying SCOTUS’ rulings.

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