And Then We Can All Hold Hands and Sing ‘Kumbaya’

Why Americans Should Consider Giving Up Their Guns: 18 Good Reasons [More]

Imagine a world without guns!

I’m fortunate to be included in an email group that includes some names you’ve heard of and no shortage of topnotch 2A attorneys. One, Don Kilmer, offered this reply and is allowing me to share it:

Turns out this was an assignment for 14 year old retarded girls. List 18 reasons to give up guns, and then explain why you should have a rainbow colored unicorn pony.

And lest anyone get their triggered butthurt on:

Besides, I’m for rehabilitating the word “retarded.” To me, it always meant people capable of intelligent thought, who refuse to be smart, and have therefore retarded their brain.

The poor souls who are born with intellectual disabilities are not retarded, they are doing the best they can with what God gave them.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “And Then We Can All Hold Hands and Sing ‘Kumbaya’”

  1. Unfortunately, these ideas are typical of the thinking of much of our infantilized population.

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