We’re the Only Ones Convenient Enough

The #FBI Child ID app—the first mobile application created by the Bureau—provides a convenient place to electronically store photos and other vital information about your children so that it’s literally right at hand if you need it. [More]

It’s convenient and right at hand for them if they “need it,” too.

A warning about vampires and invitations comes to mind.

Tangentially related: My Android has recently started displaying a “suggestion” in settings for “On-body detection: Keep your device unlocked while it’s on you.”

They can detect where my body is! How convenient!

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Convenient Enough”

  1. RE: “On-body detection: Keep your device unlocked while it’s on you.”

    Unless they’ve suddenly figured out remote biometric scanning, it detects when it’s on somebody, not necessarily you. Somebody walks off with your unlocked phone, and as long as they keep moving and wiggling it (so the phone doesn’t think it’s been set down), they have full access.

    At least half the “convenience” features on a smartphone make it slightly easier for you to use it, but dramatically easier for unauthorized people.

    And I swear that’s by design.

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