I Rest My Case

Forget something, Kevin…?

And to those who are still giving him a pass and making excuses because it could be a losing issue, if that’s the case, he’ll lose anyway– he’s not shying away from abortion, and we’re talking similar constituencies. And naturally, Dems are already telling voters he’s an “extremist.” And “a homophobe.”

Dems even call moderates Nazis, so he’s got nothing to lose and gun owners — who don’t even know his name weeks before the election — to gain. Plus, he can’t erase his NRA grade– that his opponent isn’t exploiting that tells me she’s not anxious to see this can of worms opened either.

How people presume a politician afraid/ashamed will stand for them when the going really gets tough without any basis is beyond me. And it’s the guy on the inside who can hurt you the worst.

The late RNC Chair Lee Atwater is reputed to have asked about gun owners, “Who else are they going to vote for?” We’ve seen the results of wishful thinking, gutlessness, and betrayal. I’m not getting how keeping that door perpetually held open for all Republicans –like it has been in the years I’ve been calling them out on it –works to our advantage.

In for a penny in for a pound:

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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