Something Wicked This Way Comes


Hey, they have to make sure they can get away with it…

And somebody’s gotta bring the F-15s…


Added context, received via email:

The facts present a scenario and probabilities that indicate:

If stealing the election is not possible (read that too large of margin) and Trump wins the the general election, Many democrats have already stated the will NOT allow the electoral college vote to be certified (14 amendment).

They will try to force congress to vote per the constitution 13th amendment (which requires they only can vote for the top three electoral college vote recipients).

Only Trump and Harris will have ANY electoral votes…Meaning they plan on forcing a vote for Harris.

Unless the republicans walk and don’t allow a quorum to be called that is what will happen.

No quorum, then Vance will be “Acting” president until things are sorted out.

Now weave into this mess that all info that establishment does not like is “misinformation” and all folks who refuse to accept this scenario will be called a either an insurrectionist or a domestic terrorist.

NOW; RE-read the DOD memo granting themselves the right to use lethal force….

Get the picture?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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