What the Traffic will Bear

When stalled by a violent riot, stationary vehicles are death traps! [More]

And guess who the leaders in mob freeway shutdowns are.

I guess if anybody gets shot they can add it to their “gun violence” statistics to “justify” more citizen disarmament.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “What the Traffic will Bear”

  1. There is/was a place here in Miami, FL that made and marketed armored SUVs to well heeled folks in Latin America. There were/are lots of real insurgencies down there that made a habit of grabbing rich folks to make them disappear or hold them for ransom in order to fund groups like FARC in Colombia. They also had training classes for the people who would drive the rich folks’ armored limo.

    One of the lines from the training material told the prospective drivers “If you stop the vehicle, your principal is as good as dead.” If a crowd of hostiles attempts to stop your vehicle, you need to screw up your courage and either shove them out of the way or run them over. Florida has recently made such a defensive move legal. Either way, “Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.” applies.

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