Looks Like Pareidolia Paranoia to Me

I didn’t see it until they pointed it out and I still don’t see it. [More]

Things must be pretty good for them at the ADL if this is what they have to complain about. That the DSM views it as “newsworthy” is telling.

[Via Mack H]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Looks Like Pareidolia Paranoia to Me”

  1. I postulate that there is a distinction between “a swastika” and “a design kinda sorta reminiscent of some aspects of a swastika… backwards.”

    If they’re that pissed off by backwards semi-swastikas, maybe they should go after the folks who made this reversed but otherwise classic swastika. They were a once healthy Paiute tribe that between the Mormons and the US Government, the white man managed to whittle down to under 250 members. I bet these angry SJWs could finish the job in a week, max.

    1. You should ask your web guy why your website consistenly adds an extra double-quote at the end of hotlinks. Some work despite it, most don’t, and they all seem to tote one.

      1. I am my “web guy” and I seem to recall emailing you before on this with a screenshot showing the extra mark was in the original comment.
        UPDATE: Not an email, a comment.

      2. This is a test. I’m going to submit this comment with an arbitrary link here and another here, and then send you a screenshot of the entry field to show you I didn’t include any extra double quotes at the end of the link. I’m pretty confident there will be one there by the time you get it, at least on the first link. If it appears on the first and not the second, then I suspect it must have something to do with the “use smart quotes” setting on my personal machine (though other websites don’t show this behavior).

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