Key Questions

The ATF claims that Hoover conspired with Ervin to sell lightning links. They further contended, quite audaciously, that raising money for Ervin’s legal defense was part of that conspiracy on the theory that, if Ervin won his case, Hoover would be able to advertise the card again. The ATF admits that Hoover never sold any cards but maintains that, since he promoted the AutoKeyCard, he was also guilty.[More]

Tyrants don’t like the First Amendment any better than they do the Second. We’ll see if this “unravels.” Me, I don’t trust the referees.

They really do seem to have been piling up the in-your-face outrages of late, almost like they have expectations they’ll be able to keep squeezing. Either that or somebody is trying to provoke something so they have an excuse to go all out.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Key Questions”

  1. Or, they might be in “never let a crisis go to waste” mode.

    But I’m guessing they took Hillary’s loss to heart and are not expecting to be able to do the stuff they want to do if they lose too much control in 2020’s “Big Red Ripple.” *

    * Available at a convenience store near you.

  2. Soooo…
    According to the Lords…
    If you own a Firearm. Ya better live in a mud hut, use wooden utensils, have no TECHNOLOGY and damn well better not have or have had a Library Card.

    The stench all over that story !

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