2 thoughts on “Sign of the Times”

  1. Wow, Just WOW!! This is precisely the sort of mindset that has NO business wearing the Blue. This guy is NOT competent to drive a car with flashing lights on it, nor to carry a Glock 40 on his hip. If WE acted like this nutjob the gun grabbers would have something approachinga weak case that we should not have guns. A disgrace to the badge, let alone the gun he carries. He’s got some serious agner issues. Needs medical help. His limited power over others has gone to his head.

    1. This was years ago– look it up on Google with all the twists and turns that followed with this oinker trying to get reinstated. One of the real outrages– the Nazi DA was going to go forward with the case against the gun owner until a judge threw it out.

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