Risky Business

The short version is that Oberlin College asserted that the insurers wrongfully refused to settle the case prior to trial, blaming the insurers not the college for the ultimate trial debacle… [More] I’m surprised anyone will still insure them. Those companies are quick enough to cancel gun owners. I’ve been following Oberlin happenings for a … Continue reading “Risky Business”

Hell to Pay

Oberlin College Sues Insurers For Refusing To Cover $36 Million It Paid Gibson’s Bakery For Defamation And Other Torts (Update)- .Four insurance companies have told the college to pound sand. Have you ever rooted for insurance companies ever? There’s a first for everything. [More] I’ve been following this story for some time because I have … Continue reading “Hell to Pay”

Pay Up!

Gibson’s Bakery Wins! Ohio Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Oberlin College Appeal [More] Their MO tells me they’ll appeal to the federal courts and do anything to forestall payment. [Via Michael G]

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