A Crisis of Faith

Trump Has ‘Lost Faith’ in N.R.A., Says Gun Group Official – In a new letter, an N.R.A. vice president said the troubled group needed to rebuild trust with Donald J. Trump and his inner circle. [More]

While I agree with him on William Brewer, there’s a saying about people in glass houses.

And speaking of rebuilding trust

Are his expectations for Gun Owners for Trump that they will be a valued sounding board and advisory group to keep him from going off half-cocked and saying/doing more stupid sh!+, or will he expect to just summon a few to publicly kiss his ring once in a while and then brag about their access to the president?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

5 thoughts on “A Crisis of Faith”

  1. I cannot trust such a creature as Trump. He has been in the public eye for over 40 years. Has been on every side of every issue and is a proven liar. How can one trust a known liar, on anything? I respond to his bloviations on anything, by loading more magazines. As Mike Vanderboegh, a good friend of yours and mine David, heck on his passing I was in the photo with him speaking at the WA capitol building in Olympia that was posted with his obituary, said often keep poking your finger in the tyrants eye by any means necessary.

  2. There are a lot of folk who are pro-Second Amendment but who are also a bit leery of the NRA. The NRA needs to “build trust” with more than Trump. I’m an NRA life member, but my donations for the past couple of years have been going to the SAF and others.

  3. “In a new letter, an N.R.A. vice president said the troubled group needed to rebuild trust with Donald J. Trump and his inner circle.”

    You and I are both fond of the “Cat Balou” scene where one of the characters played by Lee Marvin (He plays two.) shoots at a barn and misses.

    But worse would be missing the barn……. from the inside.

    That’s where that NRA fool of a vice-president stands. The NRA doesn’t need to rebuild trust with Trump and/or his staff. They need to rebuild trust with their alienated former members and the RKBA community at large. The NRA needs to be more than a fund raiser and seller of magazines or it risks making the joke, that NRA stands for Not Relevant Anymore, more than a joke.

    Sign me:

    NRA Endowment Member

  4. I was a volunteer NRA instructor for over two decades. NRA scuttled its own training program in 2016 by introducing mandatory “blended (online) training,” a revenue grab that also removed the instructor’s capacity to monitor and evaluate the student’s classroom performance; made it impossible for charitable groups to offer “free courses” (since all students had to pay NRA directly for the first half); and also discontinued the popular “First Steps” (teach specifically to the student’s own gun) courses which were all students wished to take anymore. Despite protests, they ignored our input for a calendar year until they had hemorrhaged a huge chunk of their instructors to other credentialing organizations, then they “reconsidered.” Very few of the ones who left ever came back, including me. Between that and the LaPierre scandal that was building up steam at the same time, I decided I didn’t need the NRA anymore.

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