A Matter of Priorities

My existential concerns about Israel’s very survival vastly outweight any concerns re local 2A rights. [More]

Whereas MY existential concerns are about the Republic’s very survival, and why I have consistently warned against the competing loyalties of “dual citizenship.”

As for Israel’s defense, we– and they — should heed the strategy outlined by the late Sam Cohen, “father of the neutron bomb,” that the U.S. could substantially reduce aid by stopping essentially dictating their defense options:

Finally, and most importantly as I see it, as an American whose concern for my country transcends by far that for Israel or any other country, if such conditions could be established for Israel’s defense and Israel were given a free hand to defend its interests in the Middle East as it saw fit, like once again bombing political enemy nuclear capabilities, we would have the golden opportunity to get out of that region. It’s been nothing more than a headache to
us ever since we first started meddling around over there and on at least one occasion it’s been downright dangerous, threatening to get us into a nuclear war.

Or, you can keep believing what the string pullers and profiteers want you to believe.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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