A Policy Violation

A Wisconsin Pizza Hut employee has been accused of killing his manager over a $7,000 inheritance check and leaving his body in the restaurant’s dumpster, local authorities said. [More]

The manager knew better than to buck company directives.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “A Policy Violation”

  1. Another story I saw said the manager was flashing the cash around to the other employees. That was just stupid.

  2. Stupid? Maybe, depending on those to whom you show it.
    Illegal? Certainly not.
    Just cause for being killed? Again, definite NO!

    Sems there may be string justification for refusing to hire an ex-felon. I’d at least want to know his crime. Driving 20+moh above posted. so what. Perhaps this is not the first murder this perp has done.

    So now an apparently good man is dead, and another will manage to expend a few hundred thousand dollars of money from those he did not kill (yet) in way of legal, court, assessment, defense, warehousing costs because he murdered an innocent.

    The bible plainly declares that whoever by his own hand murders another, by the hand of man SHALL (command, not suggestion) his own blood be shed. All of it.

    Don’t know what his prior felony was, but if it involved harm to another human, he should NOT have been turned loose in society without a qualified custodian.

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