A Singular Argument

The text of the Second Amendment plainly does not guarantee a right to purchase an unlimited number of firearms within a 30-day period. [More]

I’m pretty sure “arms” is plural.

Of course, the miserable traitor Rob Bonta knows that.

Subversive Democrats pull this in-your-face $h!+ because they’re confident they can without repercussions.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “A Singular Argument”

  1. The Second Amendment doesn’t actually guarantee anything.

    It recognizes a right to keep and bear arms and forbids the government from infringing that right.

    No mention of guarantees.

    No mention of cannons either.

    It’s actually a very simple document, regardless of how you count the commas. All of the “sturm und drang” comes from the fact that it doesn’t say what the Left wants it to say.

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