A Team Effort

Don’t Forget About Candidates in Local and State Elections! [More]

My editor at the magazine, Vincent DeNiro, has some thoughts about the crucial importance of “lesser” candidates. Hopefully, everyone here has consulted with their state gun rights groups and done their own due diligence.

I learned something new: I did not realize Kathy Hochul once had an NRA A-rating.

What a lying piece of

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “A Team Effort”

  1. The most important electoral office in America is your county clerk and your state’s Secretary Of State….the people in charge of and who actually run elections. The people who can either prevent or facilitate election fraud. Offices specifically targeted for control by the communist left.

  2. “I learned something new: I did not realize Kathy Hochul once had an NRA A-rating.”

    As did Kirsten Gillibrand. Could be something in NY’s drinking water?

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